Ontario’s non-profit sector is facing tough challenges in the current recession, and won’t be able to survive without concerted actions by non-profits and funders (government and non-governmental). That’s the sobering conclusion of a new survey released by the Trillium Foundation called “Challenges and opportunities for Ontario’s not-for-profit sector during tough economic times“. Non-profits are vital to the people and communities of Ontario. They not only deliver critical health, social, arts, culture, environment, sports and recreation services, but also make a contribution to the province’s GDP that is many times bigger than the auto or tourism sectors (even though these two sectors get more political and public attention). Research from the Wellesley Institute, including our ground-breaking “We can’t afford to do business this way“, shows that the troubles for the social sector started long before the current recession. But the economic downturn has had a double-whammy – driving up demand for services while driving down available resources. Ontario’s third sector is vital to creating a vibrant social and intellectual infrastructure for the 21st century.