Planning for next year’s Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) 10th anniversary conference, April 11-14, 2007 in Toronto is underway! We are delighted to be a partner in the CCPH conference, the first held in Canada. For those of you not familiar with CCPH, the organization is a leading champion in the U.S. for promoting health (broadly defined) through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions. We established a formal partnership with CCPH in 2004 that includes co-sponsoring an electronic discussion group on community-based participatory research, planning a community-based research training institute taking place later this month in Barrie ON, planning this conference and increasing the relevance and responsiveness of CCPH to Canadians. As a result, CCPH’s membership and presence in Canada is growing.
The planning committee had its first conference call on Friday July 7. A diverse and enthusiastic group of CCPH members from the US, Canada and the UK — including Wellesley Institute board chair Dennis Magill – are helping to guide the planning process. Their photos and bios will be up on the CCPH website shortly, but for now their names and affiliations are listed below.
It’s not too early to start planning to participate!
- Start drafting a session or poster proposal NOW for presentation at the conference. The call for proposals will be released in August with an October deadline.
- If you’re not yet a member of CCPH, join NOW! CCPH members receive substantial discounts on fees for the conference, training institutes, publications and more! Click here for more information on CCPH member benefits. Join CCPH today online by credit card or by check sent along with this form.
- Budget for the conference now. Information about conference registration and lodging rates and scholarship opportunities will appear in the call for proposals. For fundraising ideas in the meantime, check out the article 8 Ways to Raise $2500 (or more) in 10 days (or less, sometimes) from the September/October 2003 issue of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal.
- Never been to a CCPH conference? Check out the program for the 2006 conference held May 31 – June 3, 2006 in Minneapolis.
We welcome any suggestions you may have for the conference. We’re particularly eager for your ideas on keynote speakers, session topics, community site visits, exhibitors and funders! Ashley Bennion, Project Coordinator at Wellesley, is our point person for the conference planning. Feel free to e-mail her with any ideas.
2007 CCPH Conference Planning Committee
- Hamed Adetunji, Oxford Brookes University, School of Health & Social Care, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Estelle Archibold, Southeast Community Research Center, Atlanta GA USA
- Monique Barber, University of Texas Prevention Research Center, Houston TX USA
- Erica Di Ruggiero, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Population and Public Health, Toronto ON Canada
- Cecil Doggette, Health Services for Children With Special Needs, Inc, Washington DC USA
- Sarah Flicker, York University, Toronto ON Canada
- Sherril Gelmon, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, Portland State University, Portland OR USA
- Loralee Gillis, Association of Ontario Health Centres, Toronto ON Canada
- Adrian Guta, Masters in Social Work Student, University of Toronto, Toronto ON Canada
- Erika Khandor, Street Health, Toronto, ON Canada
- Rohinee Lal, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC Canada
- Ann Macaulay, McGill University, Montreal QC Canada
- Dennis Magill, University of Toronto, Department of Sociology, Toronto ON Canada
- Ryan Meili, University of Saskatoon College of Medicine, Saskatoon SK Canada
- Simone Merchant, National Association of Community Health Centers, New York NY USA
- Ruth Nemire, Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy, Ft. Lauderdale FL USA
- Robb Travers, Ontario HIV Treatment Network, Toronto ON Canada
- Robert Two Bears, Indian Health Board of Minneapolis, Minneapolis MN USA