FLS HAPS: “Toward Equitable Services in French”
Equity Highlights
- The North East LHIN’s equity strategies focus almost entirely on increasing access for Francophones and Aboriginals
- NE LHIN has identified Francophone services as a priority
- Planning and research to address the needs of Francophones needs to be consistently applied to all areas
- Engagement of Francophone community through 2 French Health Services Networks was recommended
- Aboriginal health planning reference groups were proposed to frame issues and opportunities identified by Aboriginal groups in the LHIN and reach an agreement on the most appropriate method of engagement of First Nations Chiefs, Metis Council Presidents and the LHIN Board
- Action items include information and communication towards a productive dialogue and a common understanding (determining the roles and responsibilities of the LHIN and addressing the concerns of Aboriginal groups)
Towards Equitable Services in French (September 2007)
- French Language Service (FLS) Hospital Annual Planning Submissions (HAPS) are the planning tool to be used by hospitals identified and designated for the provision of French services
- The FLS HAPS are used to inform the hospitals’ decision-making process towards equitable access and accessibility of quality professional services in French on a permanent basis for Francophone clients in their catchment area
- For hospitals designated under the FLSA, patient-centred care includes providing equitable access to quality professional services in French on a permanent basis
- One of the LHIN’s main achievements was the inclusion of a French Language Service Equity Index in the Hospital Service Accountability Agreement
2008/09 Operational Plan
- The LHIN held an Aboriginal, First Nations and Metis Summit (May 14-15, 2008
- It also held a French Language Health Services Summit (April 1-3, 2008)
- These summits led to community engagement with both groups
Among the LHIN’s emerging local priorities is “surgery optimization” à the NE LHIN surgery optimization plan is designed to “achieve equitable distribution of surgery across NE LHIN hospitals”