Working Together to Achieve Better Health, Better Care, Better Value
- Go to North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN website
- See the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN 2010-2013 IHSP
- See a snapshot from North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN’s previous IHSP
Summary of Provincial Strategic Plan and NSM IHSP
- NSM LHIN’s IHSP aligns with the provincial strategic plan, including equal access to health and health care for all Ontarians (there is no other explicit mention of “equity” or “equitable” access in the IHSP )
- All LHINs will implement the provincial mental health and addictions plan — the system will provide everyone who needs care with equal access to safe, respectful and helpful services
LHIN’s 3 Strategic Priorities
- Improving access to appropriate care, beginning with the ER and alternate level of care (ALC) settings in the community or home
- Improving chronic disease management beginning with access to integrated diabetes care
- Creating an integrated design for the future health system in North Simcoe Muskoka