The Wellesley Institute is partnered with Toronto’s MultiFaith Alliance to End Homelessness (MFATEH) to engage faith communities in practical and effective solutions. The MFATEH is an alliance of faith organizations focused on housing and homelessness in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. Its member organizations include: Aboriginal people, Anglican, Baha’i, Baptist, Canadian Jewish Congress, Caring Alliance, Catholic Charities, Font Bonne Ministries, Habitat International Coalition, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Mennonite, Musilim, Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Sanctuary Ministries, Tibetan Buddhist, Unitarian, the United Church of Canada.
A growing number of faith leaders are joining the call for practical and effective solutions to reduce poverty and end homelessness, and the collaboration between the MFATEH and the Wellesley Institute aims to build on this and continue to involve different faith groups and organizations in civic engagement regarding the issues of housing and homelessness – reaching thousands of people in the community. For more information on the MFATEH’s mandate and goals download their recently issued Declaration .