As Toronto’s affordable housing wait list continues to set new records month after month, the need to preserve and maintain as much affordable housing as possible remains a top priority for Toronto Community Housing Corporation, and for Toronto City Council. The Wellesley Institute’s Director of Housing and Innovation, Michael Shapcott, will deliver a strong message in support of the special working group established by Toronto City Council in February to create a more sustainable future for TCHC. The working group has two practical recommendations: First, in the short term, the working group identifies $120 million in capital repair funding that can be added to TCHC’s existing $53 million capital repair allocation. That gives the city’s housing agency a couple of years to set in place a comprehensive and innovative five-year capital plan to place TCHC on a socially and financially sustainable path. TCHC tenants need to be at the centre of decision-making and management of TCHC, notes the Wellesley Institute. And our submission includes a survey of practical strategies used in other communities to preserve and maintain affordable housing.
Download the Wellesley Institute’s written submission to Toronto City Council’s Executive Committee here
The Executive Committee report here
Putting People First, TCHC working group report here