About the Network
Web Site: Urban Settings Knowledge Network
Organizational Hub: WHO Centre for Health Development, Kobe, Japan.
Our cities, our health, our future: Acting on social determinants for health equity in urban settings
Author(s): Tord Kjellstrom
Published: July 2007
Summary: This report looks at the social determinants of health that are important in urban settings, focusing on slums and informal settlements. It discusses urbanization itself as a social determinant of health, slum formation, the economics of developing urban health, health vulnerability in urban settings, poverty, poor living conditions, and governance. It also describes a conceptual framework for urban health. Data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information are used to demonstrate links between housing quality and social determinants of health in urban Canada. The report describes the urban health situation, followed by a discussion of the issues and challenges affecting health equity. Interventions and the necessary approaches and policies needed to implement these interventions are discussed, and recommendations are made. Appendices 6 and 8 contain analyses of relevant case studies.
Project Steering committee Report No.1: Optimizing the impact of social determinants of health on exposed populations on urban settings
Author(s): WHO Kobe Project Steering committee
Published: August 2006
Summary: Proceedings of a Healthy Urbanization Project held May / June of 2006.