Taped on Oct 4, 2012 at Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto, Ontario.
Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Tracy Heffernan, lawyer, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
Michael Shapcott, Director Housing and Innovation, Wellesley Institute
International, national and Ontario human rights laws are a robust foundation on which to build effective housing policies.As part of its pioneering work on housing and human rights, the Ontario Human Rights Commission has been active in ensuring that the provincial Human Rights Code provisions for equal treatment in housing apply to critical municipal planning and zoning decisions that may lead to discrimination against certain people. The Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario, working with a range of partners, has launched a legal challenge under sections 7 and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that argues that Canada’s failure to respond effectively to a nation-wide homelessness disaster and affordable housing crisis is a violation of the federal government’s domestic and international rights obligations.