Sophie is a researcher at Wellesley Institute working on the Thrive Toronto project. Her research interests lie in individual, community and policy-level interventions aimed at addressing mental health inequities. She has also conducted research into the social and environmental risk factors associated with psychosis, particularly concentrating on understanding the heightened risk observed in racialized groups.
Sophie recently completed her PhD in Psychology at Bangor University in the U.K. Her research employed mixed methods to explore the interplay between minority group identity and mental health, with a specific focus on linguistic minority status. During her doctoral studies, she also undertook an internship with the Welsh Government, which involved conducting a review of place-based interventions implemented in Wales to address social inequities. Sophie is also a member of the U.K. National Health Service’s Race and Health Observatory’s Mental Health Working Group, which is responsible for guiding research commissioning and informing policy to tackle mental health inequities in the U.K.