Equity Highlights
IHSP 2007-2010
- The IHSP is a blueprint to create a more effective, compassionate, equitable and responsive health system to meet the unique needs of the Champlain region
- Equitable access to services is a fundamental principle of all the LHIN’s project plans
- Access and equity issues; areas of concern included: (1) reducing wait times, (2) breaking down barriers to access and (3) more effective health resources planning and management with a particular concern for culturally diverse communities
- The LHIN also developed a community engagement strategy that included an Aboriginal Health Circle Forum
Lessons Learned from 2007-2010 IHSP
- The lessons learned included: (1) the need for community engagement, (2) more emphasis and services were needed for Francophone communities, (3) improving services for Aboriginal communities, (4) improving access for disadvantaged groups and (5) improved CDPM
Draft IHSP (2010-2013)
- The draft IHSP contains no mention of “equity” although it does note that the LHIN is focusing on 4 key populations (and will give these populations extra resources and attention)
- These key populations include: (1) people with diabetes or pre-diabetes (with more effort on prevention); (2) people with mental illness and/or substance addictions and particularly target initiatives for MI/SA in Aboriginal communities; (3) People with complex health conditions (by increasing community-based outreach programs and expanding availability of affordable housing) and (4) Champlain residents
- These 4 groups face “significant barriers” to accessing quality and coordinated care (the LHIN will focus on coordination of care) and they have unique needs. The health system can, therefore, make a positive difference for these particular groups
The LHIN will also address the issue of fragmentation and disparities in health care delivery (i.e. people not being able to access services in either official language)