On Tuesday, November 17, the Wellesley Institute’s signature research project, the St James Town Initiative, presented our latest in unique community based research methodology to a crowd of over 100 people at Ryerson University. We presented the findings from our participatory qualitative and quantitative research methods – Concept Mapping and Photovoice – along with visual representations from the community voices that form the fabric of the St James Town Initiative, our largest community capacity building and action research project. Community members spoke about the challenges and opportunities that the research exercise presents, and the possibilities for positive social change and healthier urban neighbourhoods. We are very proud to release the latest findings in Integration of Concept Mapping and Photovoice: Understanding Immigrant Perceptions of Neighbourhood Influences on Health. Please visit the St James Town website for additional research and more information on our work in this community.
Throughout the course of the St James Town Initiative, residents have expressed several challenges that they face on a daily basis. Many of the neighbourhood’s issues can be solved by innovative and targeted policy interventions at all three levels of government. The city, provincial, and federal governments all have important roles to play in the improvement of the community and in addressing the social determinants of health. In a new series of policy briefs, the Wellesley Institute’s Matt Kanter analyzes specific challenges for residents of St James Town – immigrant employment , language training , and the improvement of living conditions – and sets out clear and achievable recommendations for policy action.