Poverty is cutting almost eight years off the average life expectancy of Canadian men, and almost five years from women. Only half of the poorest men in Canada can expect to life until 75, while three-quarters of the richest men will reach that age. These are among the grim findings in new research from Statistics Canada released this morning. The research, part of the national Health Reports series, looks at key health indicators – including health-adjusted life expectancy – and finds that health status of poor Canadians is much worse than the health status of richer Canadians. The research also demonstrates a powerful health gradient – the differences between rich and poor are not just at the extreme ends of the spectrum, but there are significant differences at every major income level. The Wellesley Institute’s own research, including Poverty is Making Us Sick , and Sick and Tired , also confirm the devastating links between income and health. The Wellesley Institute’s work on health equity is here .