Wellesley Institute congratulates the Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) on the release of the Draft Data Standards for the Identification and Monitoring of Systemic Racism. The Draft Standards are an important step forward towards the Anti-Racism Act’s goal of supporting the identification and monitoring racial disparities and inequities, and enabling remedial action towards the elimination of systemic racism and advancing racial equity.
Wellesley Institute wholeheartedly supports these goals. Our mission is to advance population health and reduce health inequities through applied research, effective policy solutions, knowledge mobilization and innovation. We have long advocated for socio-demographic data collection, including on issues related to race and racism. In our view, socio-demographic data collection is an indispensable tool for identifying and addressing inequities that lead to health disparities. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Draft Standards, and draw on our expertise in this area.