Principal Organizations: University of Toronto, Institute for Life Course and Aging
Partner Organizations: South Riverdale Community Health Centre (SRCHC); Exotic Dancers Association of Canada (EDAC); Stop the Trafficking Coalition
Principal Investigators: Lynn McDonald and Nayalya Timoshkina
The RCMP estimates that between 600 and 800 foreign women and girls are trafficked into the Canadian sex industry each year, although the authorities admit these figures could be only a fraction of the actual total. ‘Migrant sex workers’ are trafficked, smuggled, non-status, illegal, undocumented or irregular migrants, and legal newcomers working in the sex trade. The migrant sex worker population faces multiple and intersecting issues, including language and cultural barriers, isolation, poor working conditions, and violence. The Wellesley Institute is pleased to release new research from Natalya Timoshkina and Lynn McDonald of the University of Toronto’s Institute for Life Course and Aging: Building Partnerships for Service Provision to Migrant Sex Workers.