Supports for Success (SFS) is a model for improving educational, economic and social outcomes for marginalized children and youth in Ontario.
In Brantford and Brant County there is a wide and integrated set of services that support families, children and youth throughout their life-stages. Despite these investments 10.5 per cent of youth in Brantford and Brant County were not in education, employment or training and 37.7 per cent of Brantford’s children (29.1 per cent in Brant County) were entering school with low scores on Early Developmental Indicators such as physical health and well-being, communication skills and cognitive development in 2015.
Complex and intersecting issues, such as public transit, housing, employment and racism, affect how children and youth respond to programs and interventions. However, it is possible to improve the adaptability of programs and services, so that all children and youth benefit, despite systemic barriers. We need to explore new approaches that improve our support system so that all children and youth in Brantford and Brant County get a fair shot at success. We summarize our findings on how to improve the reach and quality of supports below.