Wellesley update: Federal budget 2006 and housing Federal Finance Minister James Flaherty delivered the first budget of the Conservative minority government on May 2, 2006. This note examines the housing elements of the 2006 federal budget. Housing is one of the social determinants of health, and a key priority in…
Search Results for: Toronto Budget
LA ruling bars homeless sweeps as TO gets set to count
…the clinical training to offer a significant diagnosis. Toronto City Councillors, when they endorsed the plan last October, passed a motion saying that the “central organizing goal” of the street count is to “determine the number of homeless people” in the City of Toronto. The largest group of homeless people…
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Toronto Crack Users Perspectives: Inside, Outside, Upside Down
Principal Organization: The South Riverdale Community Health Centre Principal Investigator: Raffi Balian This study was Toronto’s first ever project focused entirely on crack use. Researchers conducted 17 focus groups and handed out surveys to 108 users to learn why they used crack and how they felt about treatment services. Users…
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Safer, healthier housing for Toronto
Extreme heat kills and smog kills. Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health has reported that, in an average year, 120 Torontonians die prematurely from heat, and another 822 die prematurely from smog (based on survey of annual death statistics from 1954 to 2000). Low-income people, the elderly, children and those with…
New federal housing policy = good jobs, good investment, good homes
…is not good They can launch a comprehensive, fully-funded federal housing strategy The new federal Conservative minority government can kick-start a major new jobs strategy focusing on new affordable housing construction by investing the $1.6 billion in new housing dollars in the NDP budget bill, which was passed by Parliament…
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Reaction to Conservative Task Force on Gun-related Violence
Yesterday, Stephen Harper announced the establishment of a Conservative Task Force focusing on gun-related crime in cities. The task force will tour Canada to meet with victims, agencies, law enforcement and local politicians. Earlier this year the Conservative party opposed a federal Budget proposing a renewed investment in social welfare. …
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Mapping Civic Participation Among Chinese Canadian Youth
Principal Organization: Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter Partner Organization: University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work Principal Investigator: Izumi Sakamoto Researchers held workshops with Chinese high school students in Toronto over a five month period. The goals of the project were to learn about the social issues impacting Chinese…
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