…to Toronto Budget 2012 Information and Resources from the Wellesley Institute: July 20, 2011: Housing first to end homelessness, but first Toronto needs homes (submission to the City of Toronto’s Community Development and Recreation Committee) Nov. 9, 2011: Countdown To Zero: Balancing Toronto’s Budget Nov. 23, 2011: Toronto’s…
Search Results for: Toronto Budget
City of Toronto Budget 2025: Our recommendations

Residents across the City of Toronto experience significant disparities in housing, income and mental health and well-being. These inequities create and exacerbate health inequities across population groups, disproportionately affecting those who are low-income, racialized, people with disabilities and newcomers. The City of Toronto budget makes a big difference in the…
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Wellesley Institute’s Deputation on the 2012 Toronto Budget
…impacts of each of the cuts being proposed in the 2012 budget and make choices that will support a city building budget: one that builds a more equitable, more prosperous and healthier city for us all. Click here for more on the 2012 Toronto budget and the Wellesley Institute’s efforts….
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Torontonians divided on spending $11 billion annual City of Toronto budget

…pay for their priorities. When deciding on how to move the dial on the city’s largest revenue source, most users decided that the extra property tax was worth it for the services it could fund. Why focus on the City of Toronto Budget? The City of Toronto budget is an…
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City of Toronto Budget 2024: Our input

The release of the City of Toronto’s Mayor’s Budget 2024 proposes much-needed investments into areas that are key to advancing health equity in the city. Wellesley Institute welcomes the increased funding towards improving and expanding access to critical services for tenants, preserving affordable housing units, and speeding up the development…
More on Toronto budget 2013 housing and homelessness numbers
…its course. The investment has been used to fund necessary repairs to social housing, but a huge unfunded social housing repair bill remains both at TCHC and among other social housing providers. Toronto’s 2013 budget notes for housing and homelessness here. Toronto’s 2012 budget notes for housing and homelessness here….
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A Vote For Health: Toronto Budget Vote Quickly Approaching
…the precariously housed is a priority, where student nutrition and investment in community organizations remain at the top of the list. Read our work on the 2013 Toronto Budget. And, See what others are doing to make Toronto a better, healthier city. Commitment 2 Community Social Planning Toronto Together Toronto…
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Toronto budget 2011 tightens fiscal screws on housing / homelessness even as waiting list grows
…– virtually the same as in 2010. The city is setting a target of 1,200 new homes annually in 2012 and 2013. Toronto’s Affordable Housing Office is facing a 10.8% cut in its 2011 budget to $2.9 million, according to the proposed municipal budget. . As of the end of…
Toronto’s 2012 Budget: Issue Update, Reports and Resources
…groups working hard to maintain and expand Toronto’s services and programs. Learn more by visiting their websites and get involved in their work: One Toronto – www.onetoronto.ca Commitment 2 Community – www.commitment2community.org Tenants for Social Housing – http://tenantsforsocialhousing.com/ TTC Riders – http://www.ttcriders.ca/ Toronto Stop the Cuts Network: http://www.torontostopthecuts.com/ …
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Five confirmed homeless deaths as Toronto Budget Committee debates cuts to housing and homelessness funding
As Toronto City Council’s Budget Committee begins public hearings today on the draft 2013 municipal budget (which includes cuts to housing and homelessness funding and services), street pastor Doug Johnson Hatlem reports that there are at least five confirmed deaths of homeless people over the past month. That’s the most…